Leicester City FC have announced its Fan Engagement Plan: View

  • In accordance with the government’s Fan-Led Review of Football, as the designated Supporters Trust for LCFC, the Foxes Trust has been allocated one position on the FAB.
  • Two places will be determined by an election process from members of the current Fans Consultative Committee. Members of the FCC who wish to stand for election have been advised they will need to submit a statement outlining why they are suited to hold one of the positions.
  • The remaining three places on the FAB are open for any LCFC fans who hold a season ticket or are a LCFC Member.
  • The wording of the Code of Conduct could constrain the ability of any member of the Fans Advisory Board (FAB) to be critical of the club
  • The wording of the Terms of Reference enables the club to veto any person put forward by the Trust to take their designated place on the FAB
  • Despite the three fans’ positions on the FAB for members and season ticket holders going through a process including an interview panel consisting of a representative of LCFC, a representative of the Foxes Trust and an independent representative from the Football Supporters’ Association, the Terms of Reference state that the ‘Club will select three individuals’.
  • We asked for the four-times-a-season wording for FAB meetings to be changed to quarterly meetings, to ensure they take place evenly across the season.
  • The absence of deadlines for issuing minutes to FAB members and issuing redacted minutes to the wider fanbase.
  • Supporter representatives should have the ability to request additional FAB meetings if an important issue arises and our proposal was that this would require a unanimous request by all the supporter representatives.
  • The decision over which items make FAB agendas should not be at the sole discretion of the club.

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