Vincent Kompany brings an extremely young backroom staff to Bayern Munich: View

Vincent Kompany wasted no time putting together his coaching staff. Kompany will officially get to work with the players on July 15th, leaving less than a month for the coaches to unify on a clear plan and deliver it to the squad. The EURO 2024 final will take place in Berlin on July 14th. Hopefully Germany will continue its good form on the pitch and a few Bayern Munich players will be allowed to call in sick after a night of celebration.

Bayern Munich officially announced Kompany’s staff, full of fresh faces to the Säbener Straße:

Aaron Danks: Aston Villa, West Bromwich Albion, Middlesbrough
René Marić: Bayern, Borussia Dortmund, Gladbach, Leeds
Floribert N’Galula: Burnley, Anderlecht
Bram Geers: Burnley, Anderlecht
Rodyse Munienge: Burnley, Anderlecht

It is notable that Kompany did not add a single assistant over the age of 40 years old. Danks and Marić have both risen quickly through the coaching ranks, while the other three assistants have spent the past four seasons under Kompany’s wing.

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