HamburgHammer: With Steidten and Lopetegui hired, we are now headed for the mother of all transitional seasons

With Steidten and Lopetegui hired, we are now headed for the mother of all transitional seasons. How can anyone expect anything different here ? We are struggling to get transfer deals over the line. Which means that we are unlikely to have the kind of team on the pitch come August that was envisaged by Steidten and Lopetegui. I know there is a lot of time left in this window, but early signs ain’t boding favourably. There will be a mix of mainly old and a few new players, all trying to understand and execute our new football philosophy and style of play. Even under ideal circumstances this task would take a new gaffer at any decent and well-run club a season or two minimum. Feel free to read between the lines…

Transitional seasons can do several things. They can fascinate and frustrate. They bring excitement and a sense of anticipation because new things are happening and taking shape. Things can go wrong of course, growing pains, setbacks. Fear and doubt creeping in. Supporters losing patience. For all of this you would want completely loyal and understanding fans in the West Ham trenches and stands. Lending their fierce and unwavering support, their steadfast passion and pride. The kind of which that is needed every year, but especially during a transitional season.

And yet the club will still somehow expect undivided support and loyalty from its fanbase. You don’t need me to spell out the sacrifices that loads of you guys and gals are making to follow our team home and away, in England and Europe. You put in the money, the time, the travel, the emotions, the joy and the pain and you rightfully expect the club’s board to give a hoot and act likewise. Support the club. Put the money in. Make an effort. Go the extra mile! And yet this simply doesn’t happen. We have seen it time and time again during transfer windows, especially when we were knocking on the door of CL football. Nothing happened. The board didn’t go the extra mile. Instead they were happy to have a rest, put their feet up and order another cappuccino for themselves, maybe even a glass of bubbly, why not ? You only live once!

At some point the people will vote with their feet – and for most of them it won’t even be a matter of choice but of necessity. There is only so much supporters can take and I reckon the breaking point is nigh, the bubble is going to burst and things will turn very sour. But that is the bigger picture. Closer ahead I am still looking forward to see the new broom of Lopetegui sweeping through West Ham. Personally I don’t necessarily expect a top half finish next season. Which I am not overly bothered about. But I do hope for better football and a more attacking style of play. It’s no more than our supporters truly deserve. COYI!!!

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