Sunderland’s ownership group have zero margin for error

If reaching the Premier League remains the genuine aim for our ownership, when will they demonstrate a desire to pursue it properly?

It’s the topic that continues to dominate so many of our conversations at the moment – spurred on by frustration, speculation and wild conspiracy theories.

117 days later, Sunderland remain no closer to appointing a new head coach. As hastily as Michael Beale’s sorry reign on Wearside ended, prospective candidates are now distancing themselves from the role just as quickly.

Something was amiss for those reported to be under consideration, and for now, life will go on, much as it has for Sunderland in 2024. The pool of options available to us continues to drain.

Kyril Louis-Dreyfus’ recent statement indicating an ‘imminent’ end to almost five long months of waiting continues to serve an extra large slice of uncertainty to an already disgruntled fanbase.

‘A relentless demand for a high-performance culture’: that is the phrase that continues to stalk him. You can only wonder the regret he has after every press release he signs off.

Remarkably, there are still some, albeit in ever-decreasing numbers, who still support the club’s ownership group. My question to them is: Does even a small part of you think this is starting to get a bit ridiculous? How long can this honestly go on for?

In any elite organisation, there’s going to be succession planning — in every area.

Those are the words of Sunderland’s divisive Sporting Director, Kristjaan Speakman when speaking with The Athletic in summer 2023.

After a disastrous year both on and off the field, it’s only appropriate that he takes an equal share of the blame. We’re still waiting to see succession, Kristjaan, and I don’t mean the TV show currently streaming on Apple TV.

Pre-season is fast approaching, and while our Championship rivals will already be assessing their squads for the busy campaign ahead, Sunderland are unable to complete the basics. At the time of writing we are STILL yet to finalise their fixtures in Alicante scheduled to take place five weeks from now.

The club is sleep-walking, with no apparent hurry to right their self-inflicted wrongs.

If reaching the Premier League still remains the genuine aim for our ownership, when will they demonstrate a desire to actually pursue it properly, rather than treat our club as some trendy start-up?

You’d be forgiven for not being overly enthusiastic with whoever ends up becoming our head coach now, considering they’re likely to be 5th choice at best. But I am certain whoever is brave – or daft – enough to become Sunderland’s 23rd manager in just 22 years, they will have the unanimous backing from our fan base.

The primary concern, however, is whether he will have the full and appropriate backing of our owner and sporting director.

Alex Neil, Tony Mowbray, Michael Beale, and even Mike Dodds have all publicly highlighted an absence of experience within the football club, which certainly needs addressing this summer.

A ready-to-contribute striker also sits at the top of the shopping list – a glaring flaw in the club’s recruitment plans over the last two years. With the transfer window now open, it will be interesting to see who would be keen to commit to a club clouded in doubt.

There is quite literally no margin for error any more.

With their reputation with the majority of our fanbase beyond repair, it’s time the ownership group acted swiftly to save a season that is still two months away from kick-off – otherwise, another 16th-placed finish might start to look beyond our reach.

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