Henry Winter shares how he felt after meeting Evangelos Marinakis at Nottingham Forest match

Nottingham Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis is a man that some supporters simply can’t seem to warm to.

On social media, there is a certain section of the fan base who will use any remotely negative press from the club as a stick to beat the owner with.

Despite his huge investment into Forest, Marinakis just can’t seem to have every supporter in his corner.

The Greek businessman has overseen a promotion to the Premier League and Forest will embark on a third campaign in the top-flight during 2024/25.

Henry Winter is one of the most respected journalists in the country and he’s now explained how he felt about Marinakis after a recent meeting.

Henry Winter shares how he felt after meeting Evangelos Marinakis


It might not please some people but the super rich Marinakis does have the club’s interests at heart and he’s learning from his mistakes.

Okay, in terms of the ticket prices and the talk of leaving the City Ground, he deserves some element of critique.

However, let’s not lose sight of the fact that Marinakis bankrolling the club has ultimately resulted in Forest reaching the Premier League.

Winter believes that Marinakis has earned his stripes as an owner and thinks Forest are in good hands going forward.

He told the Forest Focus podcast: “I don’t think Marinakis is a bad owner. I think he has an ego, he wants the club to do well, he wants it to be financially viable. Whether he wants to make money or whether it’s about his ego and his love for the sport, I don’t know. He seems a wealthy man anyway.

“When I spoke to him, it was only a five-minute conversation but I actually left pretty impressed with Marinakis. You don’t achieve what he’s done as a businessman without having a certain intelligence and business sense.

“Stepping slightly back and looking at it. Do we need that chaos around ticket prices? Do we need that chaos and uncertainty over moving stadiums when we’ve got one of the most passionate and respected grounds in the country for neutrals?

“But, there is a lot right at the club.”

Forest would be worse off without Marinakis

Fans can always say how they feel about how their football club is run but ultimately an owner will always do what they think is best.

After all, it is their club and it’s not up to someone who is essentially a lower-class citizen to tell them how to do things.

Marinakis has made mistakes – but show us a football club hierarchy that hasn’t at some point.

The challenge is for him to learn from the error of his ways and with Premier League football secured for another season, practically, that will take some of the heat off of the owner.

Leaving the City Ground is another matter altogether and Marinakis needs to be very careful here.

Like Winter alludes to, the owner doesn’t need this chaos and fan fury, he simply needs to work out a solution that keeps Forest in their rightful home.

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