‘Is that so difficult?’: EFL chairman calls for Premier League rule change after Nottingham Forest punishment

Darragh MacAnthony has been explaining how he would change the punishments in place for teams like Nottingham Forest who breach financial fair play.

The Peterborough owner has been speaking on his Hard Truth podcast and he’s got an intriguing plan to shake things up when it comes to the Premier League.

Forest were deducted four points earlier this week for breaching financial fair play. Everton lost six earlier in the season and are now facing another charge.

Forest have slipped into the relegation on the back of their deduction. They’re now one point and one place below Luton and sit 18th in the Premier League.

MacAnthony proposes rule change after Nottingham Forest punishment

Well, it’s always a good listen whenever MacAnthony opens his mouth. He’s one of the most articulate owners in the Football League and it’s a shame he’s now more involved with improving the game.

The deduction suffered by Forest has given pundits and experts lots to talk about this week. MacAnthony has come up with a plan for the good of the game that would stop clubs getting points deducted.

The Posh owner has compared the situation to something that sometimes takes place in the NFL. He’d like to see clubs who break the rules in the Premier League be forced into stripping back their recruitment models.

He told the Hard Truth podcast: “The one thing I like about the NFL is that they dish out punishment and they do it quite quickly. You lose draft picks. San Francisco yesterday were penalised a fifth-round draft pick next year for basically filing the wrong paperwork.

“It was a quick, swift resolution. They agreed, bosh, move on. San Francisco now lose a premium pick next year.

“So Forest and Everton break the rules, and we are not talking about them breaking the rules by a billion pounds or a £100 million. Okay, so you lose one transfer window.

“So you cannot sign anyone over the age of 21 and you put in there if you want to help the EFL that the only people you can sign are from the EFL.

” If you said to Forest would you take that on the chin? You get a one transfer window ban bar buying EFL players. Agreeable? Yeah, no points deduction. All good, stamp, move on. Forest win, the Premier League win, publicity wins, and the EFL wins. Is that so difficult to do?”

Premier League have to look at current sanctions

In our view, this is a quality suggestion from MacAnthony and Forest would have almost accepted this type of sanction. Instead, the Premier League appears hellbent on having an inconsistent system that penalises teams in a random way.

This would be a brilliant idea from MacAnthony and it would benefit the entire football pyramid. Premier League clubs would be forced to become more shrewd in the case of Forest and Everton they’d have to dip into the EFL market.

It’s easy to see why Everton fans would be disgruntled at the sanction that Forest have been given. The Toffees were originally given a 10-point deduction but it was dropped to six on appeal.

The whole situation right now just feels messy. If Forest and Everton have broken the rules then rightly they deserve to be punished accordingly.

However, points deductions at several periods across the season just throw the integrity of the league into question – especially given the sporadic nature of the sanctions.

Something has to be done and the supposed best league in the world is in danger of become a complete and utter farce.

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