The Coventry football club with a difference attracting national attention

The success of a Coventry football club has garnered national notice. There are currently about 100 players in the Coventry and District Walking Football Club, which is housed in CV Life’s Alan Higgs Centre close to the city center.

The Coventry City Council and the National Lottery Community Fund have recently invested funds in the club, which is currently exploring ways to grow. The Over 70s Walking Football team from England will be visiting Coventry and District this week as a result of the club’s rapid expansion garnering attention from the walking football community nationwide.

The Coventry football club with a difference attracting national attention  - CoventryLive

The team played Blackburn Rovers Over 70s, who were granted a matchup with the national team due to their victory as national champions the previous year. Blackburn defeated England 2-1 in a close game played on the freshly resurfaced grounds inside the external dome of the venue, thanks to a late goal.

About ten years ago, walking football was started as a technique to get persons over 50 moving and interacting with others. Thousands of individuals participate in the sport worldwide as it has become a popular past time.

The Coventry & District Walking Football Club’s club secretary, Alwyn Day, stated: “We are quickly approaching triple figures in terms of club membership as we continue to grow.” With the idea that “age is no barrier to health and well-being,” our members worked hard to put together a strong application that we submitted for awards from the National Lottery Community Fund and Coventry City Council last year.

Therefore, we were overjoyed to learn that both of our grant applications—one from Coventry City Council and the other from the wonderful National Lottery—had been approved. They were also both very well welcomed and much appreciated. Our location at The Alan Higgs Centre gives us access to the gravitational pull of a sizable metropolis, which may present us with more opportunities to grow our membership—as it is currently demonstrating.

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