FAMILY ZONE: Join in the pre-match activities against Leicester City

Family Zone events for Coventry City are held prior to the team’s midday kickoff versus Leicester City on Saturday.

The Coventry Building Society Arena’s Family Zone will be open on Saturday, January 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. for the Championship game.

The Family Zone is located on the paved area outside the northeast corner, under the new covers. This implies that you can’t exit the Arena to return to the activities; you have to enter the Family Zone before passing through the turnstiles. This is close to the fan village area outside the East Stand, which offers refreshments, entertainment, and food for supporters.

Before the match against Leicester City on Saturday, our young Sky Blues supporters may participate in a variety of entertaining, free arts and crafts activities in the Family Zone.

There are a variety of table games to play in addition to the return of the tuck shop, which is cash only.

We also have additional free programs available from the past for you to download for free. However, as is typical, these are anticipated to disappear fast, so act immediately to avoid missing out!

Sky Blue Sam’s Post Box is returning – allowing young fans the opportunity to write to our mascot or their favourite City player.

Sam, everyone’s favorite mascot, will also be there, so don’t forget to take pictures and give him a high five before the game. In addition, he’ll be in the Zone giving out certificates to first-time fans!

This season, visitors can once more register their presence at the Family Zone, and they will be eligible to win prizes for frequent attendance.

So be sure to stop by the Family Zone before you enter the Arena on Saturday between 10:30 and 11:45 in order to take part in the exciting pre-match activities. We hope to see you there!

Additionally, you may follow all of the Family Zone’s events on social media:

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